terms & conditions


MILIE (from here on the "Seller"), operates, on the website accessible at the address www.milie.paris, on which it publishes (hereinafter the "Site"), an online store allowing individuals ( hereinafter a "Customer") to acquire original watercolors and prints (hereinafter the "Products"). Access to and use of the Site are reserved for private individuals, and adults, to the exclusion of any sale to professionals or for the purpose of resale to third parties. In all cases, access to or use of the Site by a Customer implies express and unreserved acceptance of these General Terms and Conditions of Sale (hereinafter the “T&Cs”).

The T&Cs describe the terms and conditions under which the Customer may purchase the Products (hereinafter an “Order”).

The T&Cs express the entire agreement of the Parties on the date on which the Customer places an Order.

Any Order automatically entails on the part of the Customer - notwithstanding any stipulation to the contrary which may appear in its own general conditions of purchase – their unreserved acceptance of these general conditions of sale. Any derogation from these general conditions of sale can only be accepted after the Seller’s express acceptance.


 The Customer must place an Order via the online ordering module available on the Site;

Any Order implies express and irrevocable acceptance of the prices and description of the Products available for sale, as displayed on the Site. The Seller undertakes to deliver the Products in accordance with the description of the Products ordered by the buyer. Though the images of the Products sold on the site are intended to be as faithful as possible, the colors rendered on screens may vary from one device to another.

The Customer declares to have read and irrevocably accepted these general conditions of sale before placing their Order.

The Seller undertakes to honor Orders only within the limit of its available stock. In the absence of availability of the Product, the Seller undertakes to inform the Customer by e-mail and, if necessary, to reimburse them no later than fourteen days following the date on which the contract was terminated.


3.1 When registering their personal data during the validation of the order or the creation of their account, the Customer must ensure the accuracy of the mandatory data they provide. In the event of an error in the recipient's contact details, the Seller cannot be held responsible for any non-delivery of the product.

3.2 Delivery times are given for information only. Any delays do not entitle the Customer to cancel the sale, refuse the Products or claim damages. The Seller cannot be held responsible for the non-execution or poor execution of an order in the event of force majeure or an external cause. If, in the performance of the obligations incumbent upon it, the Seller's liability is engaged, the customer may only claim damages which may not exceed the total amount paid by the Customer in payment of the order in question.

3.3 Orders always travel at the risk and peril of the recipient. It is up to the Customer to check and receive the Products, and in the event of damage or loss, to make any reservations and to exercise any recourse with the carrier, who is solely responsible.


Each Customer has a period of 14 days to return a Product from their Order, running from the date of receipt of their Order. 

To exercise their right of withdrawal, the Customer must send the Seller, before the expiry of the period, the withdrawal form found at the bottom of these T&Cs via email or the contact page on the milie.paris website. The Customer may also exercise their right of withdrawal by sending the Seller another unambiguous statement, expressing their desire to withdraw.

In the event of exercise of the right of withdrawal, the Customer must return their Order to the Seller within 14 days of their decision to withdraw, to the following address:

Milie @et nous, Morning Coworking, 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France.

The Customer bears the direct costs of returning the Products.

The Seller shall reimburse the Customer for all sums paid, including delivery costs, within 14 days following the first of the following two dates: i) the date on which the Seller will have collected the Products or ii) the date on which the Customer has provided the Seller with proof of shipment of the Products.

The Customer must return the items delivered in their original packaging, complete (boxes, accessories, protections, labels, booklets, etc.). Items returned incomplete, damaged, damaged, deteriorated, soiled or in any other condition that would reasonably suggest that they have been used, will not be refunded or exchanged and will be returned to the Customer.

In accordance with article L121-21-8 of the French Code de la Consommation, the right of withdrawal provided for in this article will not apply to Products clearly personalised for the Customer. Personalised, bespoke or made-to-measure paintings (Including personalised Milie-mals or Milie-series, Milie-mal bespoke, Fa-milies) are non-exchangeable and non-refundable.


In accordance with the regulations in force, the Customer has the legal guarantee against defects in the Product (known as "hidden defects") provided for in articles 1641 to 1649 of the French Code Civil, the Customer also has the legal guarantee of conformity provided for Articles L217-1 to L217-14 of the French Code de la Consommation.


The Seller reserves the right to modify the content of the T&Cs at any time.

For Customers placing an Order for Products, the T&Cs enforceable against the Customer are those accepted by the Customer on the Site at the time of their Order.


The prices are expressed in euros, all taxes included and are exclusive of shipping costs. Shipping costs include preparation and packaging costs as well as postage. These are calculated according to the order and the country of destination and estimated at the time of validation of the basket. Excessively high shipping costs may lead to an unconditional cancellation of the order. The amount paid is then fully refunded.


Payment is made through the Paypal payment interface, a secure payment service, to which you will be directed when paying for your basket.


The reserve of property clause applies to all transactions. The Products sold therefore remain the property of the Seller until full payment of their price. The risks concerning the said Products will be transferred to the Customer upon delivery.


The Seller does not grant any express or implicit guarantee with regard to the information and data that it publishes. The Customer is solely responsible for the choice of their Order and the use they make of the Products supplied.


Milie is a registered trademark at the INPI under the number 4873439.

Marie-Amélie Brousse de Gersigny is the owner of the intellectual property rights and holds the right of use of all elements accessible on the website, in particular text, images, graphics, logos, illustrations, icons, digital products and sounds unless otherwise indicated.

Any reproduction, representation, modification, publication, adaptation of all or part of the elements of the site, whatever the means or process used, is prohibited, except with the prior written consent of Marie-Amélie Brousse de Gersigny.

Any unauthorized use of the site or any of the elements it contains will be considered as constituting an infringement and prosecuted in accordance with the provisions of articles L.335-2 and following of the French Intellectual Property Code.


In accordance with Article 32 of French Law No. 78-17 of January 6, 1978 amended in 2004 (known as the "Data Protection Act"), Customers are informed that personal data concerning them are subject to processing by the Seller in order to ensure that Orders are completed.

The information requested in the forms available on the Site marked with an asterisk are mandatory and necessary for the management of Customer requests, in particular their Orders. Failure to complete a mandatory field will make it impossible for the Seller to process Customer requests.

Customer data is processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy available on the Site.


This contract is subject to French law. Any dispute relating to the interpretation or execution of these will be the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of PARIS.


(Please complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw / return your Order).

To MILIE @et nous, Morning Co-working, 33 Avenue du Maine, 75015 Paris, France.

I/We [*] hereby notify you of my/our [*] withdrawal from the contract relating to the sale of the Products [*]/for the provision of the service [*] below

Good ___[reference]_____________

Ordered on [*]/received on [*]: ______________

Name of Client(s) ____________________

Address of Client(s) _________________

Signature of the Client(s) (only in case of notification of this form on paper)


[*] Delete as appropriate.